I’m relatively new to serious hiking. My first Wilderness Heals Hike was in 2005, and I’m pleased to be back this year.
I have several motivations for participating in the Hike. Because I am a survivor of childhood family violence, I feel passionate about supporting efforts that empower women and families. Additionally, as I approach my 50th birthday, I continue to challenge myself to get in the best shape of my life. I was diagnosed with diabetes three years ago, and exercise helps me maintain excellent blood sugar control and, thus far, has prevented any additional complications. As a healthcare worker who works with geriatric patients, every day I see the devastating effects of chronic illness. Strokes, heart attacks, and amputated limbs are preventable through lifestyle modifications, and I am committed to embracing positive changes that will result in lifelong fitness, vitality, and great health. The Hike in 2005 was my first backpacking experience, and I amazed myself at how far I was able to push myself while climbing mountains higher than I ever dreamed possible!
I did two training hikes prior to Memorial Day weekend. So far, I have not trained much, although I do take long walks with my dogs around the beautiful Hilltowns of Western Massachusetts, and each day I climb my seriously steep 700-foot driveway. (Thankfully, nowhere I walk is flat!) On Saturday, May 26, 2007, I hiked Mount Morgan and Mount Percival with team leaders Sheryl Barnes and Eileen Twiggs, 10 other women, and a hoard of mosquitos and black flies. It was unseasonably warm and humid, and I struggled with the climb. I was glad to learn I was not the only one who found the loop to be difficult. Despite being described as an “easier” hike, most of the group was challenged by the elements. The support of the other hikers and team leaders reminded me once again why the Wilderness Heals experience is so special. The mantra Sheryl told me to repeat – breathe, relax, watch, feel, allow – helped me to focus and conserve my energy as I climbed up the mountains. The summit views of Squam Lakes and the surrounding area were spectacular – and well worth the bugs, heat, and humidity!
Thankfully, Sunday brought cooler weather, overcast skies, spits of rain, and no bugs. Six of us from Saturday’s hike and two others joined team leaders Eileen Twiggs and Susan Genatossio on the hike up Mount Tecumseh, my first 4,000-foot mountain! The trail crossed a small brook and then climbed steadily, leveled off a bit, crossed two more streams, and finally climbed steeply to the summit. Eileen reminded me to use my mantra, which helped regulate my breathing and allowed me to focus. Although the elevation gain was more than the day before (2,163 versus 1,400 feet), the climb overall seemed easier. The last quarter of a mile leading to the summit was quite steep, and the trail was narrow and icy – a reminder of how different the conditions can be in the White Mountains. After eating lunch at the summit, Susan suggested that we “mark the moment” by asking everyone to share her memory of her first 4,000-footer – another reminder of why the Wilderness Heals experience is so very special. I continue to be amazed at how far I can push myself, and I am grateful for the support of everyone who has hiked with me.
Thank you to all of the dedicated team leaders and fellow hikers for sharing the experience with me! See you on the trail!
– Donna Whyte-English
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